Proactive support

Support for employers proactively managing their NMW responsibilities.

HMRC compliance check represented by a light bulb moment

We perform independent compliance checks using pre - HMRC audit methodology that replicates an HMRC enquiry.

Our approach seeks to identify any potential weaknesses against the legislation and provide a comprehensive plan of action to strengthen and rectify your working practices regarding NMW matters.

Our support also includes helpful and informative content, training sessions and workshops.

Employers that use our proactive support services benefit from addressing matters before HMRC involvement.

They have an opportunity to rectify issues without attracting hefty penalties and avoid the UK Government’s ‘naming and shaming’ policy.


Our approach is pragmatic, straightforward and collaborative.

We offer the NMW skills, knowledge, and experience to complement your existing in-house skillset and expertise. Your relationship with your advisor should be a partnership of equals. We work closely alongside our clients to ensure the best possible outcome.

Our 5-step approach.

National minimum wage clarity, represented by a lightbulb
  1. Policy & document review

HMRC minimum wage is increasing, represented by an upward facing arrow

2. Deep dive into operations & working practices

HMRC letter can be avoided by improving your understanding of legislation

3. Test against NMW legislation & HMRC practices

How much is minimum wage research

4. Highlight areas of weaknesses with a comprehensive plan of action to strengthen and rectify

Paying HMRC penalty represented by a big cross

5. Minimise the risk of financial and reputational damage

 Need national minimum wage advice? Speak to one of our experts today.

If you have any queries about NMW or would like specialist support with an HMRC enquiry, book your free, no-obligation consultation call.